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We provide everything a biology classroom needs except for the specimens. Our product line ranges from hundreds of anatomical models, to dissecting equipment, to microscopes and slides.

10pk Human Blood Smear - Prepared Microscope Slides - 75x25mm

Classroom pack of ten prepared slides with fly leg. Each is stained with Wright's stain for better contrast between different blood types Each sli...

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10PK Multi-Slide Viewer Set - Includes One Slide Strip & Instructions - Easy To Use - Eisco Labs

SLIDOSCOPE || Pack of 10 slidoscopes (35mm film) with 8 different slides picturing stained specimens photographed under ideal conditions from whol...

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10PK Simple Columnar Epithelium - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Classroom pack of ten prepared slides with simple columnar epithelium. Tissue section A simple columnar epithelium lines most organs of the digest...

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25pk Human Blood Smear - Prepared Microscope Slides - 75x25mm

Classroom pack of 25 prepared slides with fly leg. Each is stained with Wright's stain for better contrast between different blood types Each slid...

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25PK Simple Columnar Epithelium - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Classroom pack of 25 prepared slides with simple columnar epithelium. Tissue section A simple columnar epithelium lines most organs of the digesti...

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Adipose Tissue Section, Human - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with a human section of adipose (fatty) tissue Shows characteristic features of fat vacuoles Great for studying human histo...

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Adipose Tissue Section, Mammal - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with a mammalian section of adipose tissue Useful for exploring structure-function connections as per NGSS standards and de...

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Adrenal Gland - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of adrenal gland Makes an excellent addition to your endocrine system collection Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Arr...

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Adult Hydra with Bud - Wholemount - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of an adult hydra with bud Shows characteristic structures Great for biology classrooms to explore structure-function conne...

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Allium Root Tip - Longitudinal Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with monocot allium root tip. Longitudinal section Useful for exploring structure-function connections as per NGSS standard...

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Allium Root Tips, Mitosis - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with allium root tips. Longitudinal section Useful for exploring structure-function connections as per NGSS standards Showi...

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Amoeba Proteus, Whole Mount - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with whole mount amoeba proteus Amoeba Proteus is a single-cell aquatic protist. Slide shows characteristic shape and exten...

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Amphiuma Blood Smear - Wholemount - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with wholemount blood smear of Amphiuma, commonly (but incorrectly) known as the congo eel or congo snake Shows characteris...

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Anabaena - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with whole mount anabaena Anabaena is a filamentous cyanobacteria commonly found as plankton. It is best known for its nitr...

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Apple Tree Stem - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of a cross section of apple tree stem. Apple is a dicot Stained for better visualization of characteristic dicot stem struc...

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Areolar Tissue Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with areolar tissue section Areolar Tissue is excellent for studying connective tissue anatomy Ideal for exploring structur...

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Artery & Vein - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with a cross section of a medium sized mammalian artery and vein Shows characteristic tissues and structures Great for biol...

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Artery, Vein & Nerve - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with a cross section of artery, vein & nerve Great tool to study histology of these tissues and compare and contrast th...

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Ascaris & Onion Mitosis - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of mitosis in Ascaris & onion (allium) plants Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long All stages of mitosis are visible ...

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Ascaris Lumbricoides - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of Ascaris Lumbricoides Features male and female cross section Stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) to better vis...

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Ascaris Lumbricoides Egg - Wholemount - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of the eggs of Ascaris Lumbircoide Ascaris Lumbricoides is a parasitic roundworm found in the intestines of humans Great fo...

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Aspergillus (Brown Mold) - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with Aspergillus, a common brown mold. Wholemount Shows conidiophores, stalks with a single round vesicle at the end. Mitot...

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Azotobacter - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of azotobacter. Gram negative stain Azotobacter species are Gram-negative bacteria commonly found in water, soils, and plan...

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Bacillus Culture - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of mixed Bacillus culture, gram positive and gram negative. Ideal for studying rod-shaped morphology Gram positive bacteria...

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Bacillus Smear, Gram-Negative - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with Gram-negative Bacillus smear Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Wholemount Excellent for studying rod shaped Bacil...

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Bacillus Smear, Gram-Positive - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with Gram-positive Bacillus smear Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Wholemount Excellent for learning basic Bacillus m...

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Bacillus Subtilis, Gram Positive - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide gram-positive bacillus subtilis. Wholemount Useful for exploring structure-function connections as per NGSS standards Excel...

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Bacteria from Mouth - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of bacteria from the human mouth Shows morphology and characteristics of a variety of bacteria typically present in human m...

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Bacteria Spores Smear - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of a smear of bacterial spores Bacterial spores are highly resistant dormant structures that bacteria form in response to a...

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Basal Spinal Ganglion - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of basal spinal ganglion Provides a closer look at mammalian nerve tissue Useful for exploring structure-function connectio...

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Begonia Leaf - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of a cross section of a begonia leaf Shows characteristic structures of leaves Great for biology classrooms to explore stru...

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Bio Viewer Set - Animals - Animal Mitosis

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Animals - The Animal Kingdom

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Bacteria, Protozoa & Virus - Harmful Bacteria

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Bacteria, Protozoa & Virus - Helpful Bacteria

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Bacteria, Protozoa & Virus - The virus

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Ecology / Evolution - Ecology under the Microscope

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Ecology / Evolution - Evolution under the Microscope

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Ecology / Evolution - Pond Life

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Cell Structure

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Cells of your Body

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Meiosis

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Ultrastructure of Animal Cells

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Cells of your Body

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Chromosomes & Genes in Action

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Human Blood

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Human Reproduction

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - The Circulatory System

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
