We provide everything a biology classroom needs except for the specimens. Our product line ranges from hundreds of anatomical models, to dissecting equipment, to microscopes and slides. |
Bio Viewer Set - General - Cell Structure
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - General - Cells of your Body
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - General - Meiosis
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - General - Ultrastructure of Animal Cells
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Cells of your Body
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Chromosomes & Genes in Action
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Human Blood
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Human Reproduction
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - The Circulatory System
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - The Endocrine System
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Cell of plants
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Monocots & Dicots
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Photosynthesis
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Plant Mitosis
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - The flower of a flowering plant
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - The Kingdom Fungi
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - The plant kingdom
Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.
Bone - Cross Section & Longitudinal Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of cross section and longitudinal section of a bone Stained for better visualization of characteristic structures Great for...
View full detailsBrain Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with a mammalian brain tissue section Characteristic structures are clearly identifiable Great for biology classrooms to ex...
View full detailsCamera Eyepiece
Useful in the field of image demonstration and analysis/application. Can be easily inserted into eyepiece tube of microscope. High resolution CMOS ...
View full detailsCarbon Fed Planaria - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with freshwater flatworms called Planaria. Carbon fed planaria shows enhanced visibility of digestive tract Shows general s...
View full detailsCardiac Muscle - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of a longitudinal section of mammalian cardiac muscle The slide is stained to show general structures Great for biology cla...
View full detailsCardiac Muscle, Mammal - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of mammalian cardiac muscle, combined cross section and longitudinal section This slide shows combined longitudinal and cro...
View full detailsCellular Organelle: Mitochondria - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of cells stained to show mitochondria Mitochondria are double-membrane organelles present in most eukaryotic organisms, in ...
View full detailsCervical Spinal Cord, Human - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of a cross section of a human cervical spinal cord Stained for better visualization of characteristic structures. Great cho...
View full detailsChloroplasts - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of Chloroplasts in plant leaf. Chloroplasts are cellular organelles where photosynthesis takes place Shows characteristic s...
View full detailsClostridium Botulinum - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of gram-positive Clostridium Botulinum. Wholemount Clostridium Botulinum is a rod shaped bacterium, commonly known for prod...
View full detailsCoccus Smear, Gram-Positive - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with Gram-positive Coccus smear Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Excellent for studying the characteristic size and s...
View full detailsCompact Bone (Ground) - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with compact, ground bone Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Excellent for studying the structure of bone and for exami...
View full detailsCoplin Jar - Polypropylene - Euro Design
Coplin jar made of polypropylene. Can hold up to 10 microscope slides measuring 75 mm x 25 mm. Slides are held upright by the grooved interior. Cap...
View full detailsCoplin Staining Jar, Fits up to five 76x25mm slides, 4.25" Tall - Eisco labs
Glass jar with molded glass cover. Fits up to 5 staining slides Fits slides 76x25mm Designed for physics and educational uses. Because of their ed...
View full detailsCoprinus Fungi (Mushroom) - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with cross section of Coprinus mushroom Shows characteristic structures Useful for exploring structure-function connections...
View full detailsCork Cells - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with a cross section of cork cells Shows general plant and cell structures Great for biology classrooms to explore structur...
View full detailsCorynebacterium Diphtheriae - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of wholemount Corynebacterium diphteriae Corynebacterium diphteriae is a gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium and a leading ...
View full detailsCotton - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with wholemount cotton fibers This slide is a great addition to wool, linen and silk fiber slides Great for biology classro...
View full detailsCrossed, Colored Threads - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with crossing threads with three different colors. Wholemount Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Ideal for introductory...
View full detailsCycas Leaf - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of a cross section of a cycas leaf Shows characteristic structures of leaves Great for biology classrooms to explore struct...
View full detailsDicot Pollens - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with a mixture of dicot pollens. Whole mount Great for biology classrooms to explore structure-function connection as per N...
View full detailsDicot Root - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with a dicot root cross section Shows general structures of a typical dicot root Great for biology classrooms to explore st...
View full detailsDicot Stem - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide cross section of a dicot stem. Shows characteristic structures Excellent for biology classrooms to explore structure-functi...
View full detailsDiscontinued - Razor
Heavy gauge with covered edge Heavy gauge with covered edge for safe handling.
Dissecting Microscope
Round base, equipped with joint revolving arm for moving the magnifying lens. Finished in black paint. Supplied with 10X and 20X eyepieces Round b...
View full detailsDracaena Stem - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of a cross section of dracaena stem Stained for better visualization of characteristic monocot stem structures Great for bi...
View full detailsDuodenum - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with a cross section of mammalian duodenum Duodenum is the first part of small intestine. Slide shows characteristic layers...
View full detailsEarthworm - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of a cross section of an earthworm Stained to clearly show characteristic structures Great for biology classrooms to explor...
View full detailsEarthworm Composite - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of earthworm cross sections Shows characteristic structures Great for biology classrooms to explore structure-function conn...
View full detailsEarthworm Ovary - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide of a cross section of earthworm, showing ovaries Stained for better visualization of characteristic structures Great for bi...
View full detailsEarthworm Setae - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm
Single, prepared slide with a cross section of Earthworm Setae Setae are stiff bristles that allow earthworms to attach to the surface and prevent...
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