Model Lymph Nodes - 24" tall, Biology Study Model - Eisco Labs
SKU AM0306
- Model Lymph Nodes, perfect for laboratory study
- Vividly hand painted
- 24" tall, 15" wide, and 9.5" long
- Identification Key Car Included
- Detailed Anatomy
Model shows incoming lymph vessel, germinal centre, sinus, outgoing lymph vessel, capsule, Trabecula, Incoming blood supply artery, vein for outgoing blood. Mounted on base.
Lymph nodes vary in diameter from 1 to 25 mm, although they can swell during infection or illness. Covered in a fibrous capsule, they contain sinuses, where many scavenging white blood cells, called macrophages, ingest bacteria as well as other foreign matter and debris. Mounted on base. Supplied with English Key Card.
Approximate dimensions: 24" tall, 15" wide, 9.5" long. Approximate weight: 5lbs.
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