Microscope Slide Set - Basic Botany Models, Set of 25
SKU BI0294
Set of 25, Introductory set of botanical specimens representing the major plant groups. Supplied in Box.
Set of 25, Introductory set of botanical specimens representing the major plant groups. Supplied in Box.Chlamydomonas, E, Spirogyra, vegetative filaments, ESpirogyra, conjugation, EFucus, dioecious, antheridial and oogonialMucor, conjugation Conceptacles on one slide, VSSaccharomyces (yeast), budding, EPenicillium, mycelium and conidia, EMarchantia (liverwort), thallus, antheridia, VSMarchantia thallus, archegonia, VSMnium (moss), antheridial head, VSMarchantia developing sporogonium,VS Mnium, archegonial head, VSDryopteris (fern), prothallus with antheridia, Dryopteris, pinnule with sori, TS and archegonia, E Pinus (pine), leaf, TS, Allium (onion), root apex, mitosis, LSZea, (maize), leaf, TS, Helianthus (sunflower), young root, TS Zea, stem, TS, Helianthus, stem, TSCucurbita (marrow), stem LS for sieve tubesTilia (lime), young and old stem, TSRanunculus (buttercup), flower bud,LS Prunus (cherry), leaf, TSPollen grains, wind and insect distribution, E
Set of 25, Introductory set of botanical specimens representing the major plant groups. Supplied in Box.Chlamydomonas, E, Spirogyra, vegetative filaments, ESpirogyra, conjugation, EFucus, dioecious, antheridial and oogonialMucor, conjugation Conceptacles on one slide, VSSaccharomyces (yeast), budding, EPenicillium, mycelium and conidia, EMarchantia (liverwort), thallus, antheridia, VSMarchantia thallus, archegonia, VSMnium (moss), antheridial head, VSMarchantia developing sporogonium,VS Mnium, archegonial head, VSDryopteris (fern), prothallus with antheridia, Dryopteris, pinnule with sori, TS and archegonia, E Pinus (pine), leaf, TS, Allium (onion), root apex, mitosis, LSZea, (maize), leaf, TS, Helianthus (sunflower), young root, TS Zea, stem, TS, Helianthus, stem, TSCucurbita (marrow), stem LS for sieve tubesTilia (lime), young and old stem, TSRanunculus (buttercup), flower bud,LS Prunus (cherry), leaf, TSPollen grains, wind and insect distribution, E
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