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We provide everything a biology classroom needs except for the specimens. Our product line ranges from hundreds of anatomical models, to dissecting equipment, to microscopes and slides.

Ascaris & Onion Mitosis - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of mitosis in Ascaris & onion (allium) plants Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long All stages of mitosis are visible ...

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Ascaris Lumbricoides - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of Ascaris Lumbricoides Features male and female cross section Stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) to better vis...

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Ascaris Lumbricoides Egg - Wholemount - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of the eggs of Ascaris Lumbircoide Ascaris Lumbricoides is a parasitic roundworm found in the intestines of humans Great fo...

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Aspergillus (Brown Mold) - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with Aspergillus, a common brown mold. Wholemount Shows conidiophores, stalks with a single round vesicle at the end. Mitot...

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Azotobacter - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of azotobacter. Gram negative stain Azotobacter species are Gram-negative bacteria commonly found in water, soils, and plan...

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Bacillus Culture - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of mixed Bacillus culture, gram positive and gram negative. Ideal for studying rod-shaped morphology Gram positive bacteria...

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Bacillus Smear, Gram-Negative - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with Gram-negative Bacillus smear Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Wholemount Excellent for studying rod shaped Bacil...

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Bacillus Smear, Gram-Positive - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide with Gram-positive Bacillus smear Slide measures 75mm wide and 25mm long Wholemount Excellent for learning basic Bacillus m...

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Bacillus Subtilis, Gram Positive - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide gram-positive bacillus subtilis. Wholemount Useful for exploring structure-function connections as per NGSS standards Excel...

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Bacteria Cell Structure Model - 10 Labeled Structures with Key Card - Mounted on Stand

3-dimensional bacteria cell teaching demonstration model designed with input from scientists. Shows enlarged cell features - ideal for studying st...

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Bacteria from Mouth - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of bacteria from the human mouth Shows morphology and characteristics of a variety of bacteria typically present in human m...

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Bacteria Spores Smear - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of a smear of bacterial spores Bacterial spores are highly resistant dormant structures that bacteria form in response to a...

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Basal Spinal Ganglion - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of basal spinal ganglion Provides a closer look at mammalian nerve tissue Useful for exploring structure-function connectio...

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Beauchene Exploded Skull Model - 13 Parts - Life Size - Mounted on Stand

This "exploded" skull is disarticulated at the sutures and mounted in place for in-depth study Life size model is designed by medical professional...

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Begonia Leaf - Cross Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of a cross section of a begonia leaf Shows characteristic structures of leaves Great for biology classrooms to explore stru...

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Bio Viewer Set - Animals - Animal Mitosis

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Animals - The Animal Kingdom

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Bacteria, Protozoa & Virus - Harmful Bacteria

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Bacteria, Protozoa & Virus - Helpful Bacteria

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Bacteria, Protozoa & Virus - The virus

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Ecology / Evolution - Ecology under the Microscope

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Ecology / Evolution - Evolution under the Microscope

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Ecology / Evolution - Pond Life

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Cell Structure

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Cells of your Body

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Meiosis

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - General - Ultrastructure of Animal Cells

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Cells of your Body

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Chromosomes & Genes in Action

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Human Blood

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - Human Reproduction

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - The Circulatory System

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Human Biology & Health - The Endocrine System

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Cell of plants

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Monocots & Dicots

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Photosynthesis

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - Plant Mitosis

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - The flower of a flowering plant

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - The Kingdom Fungi

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bio Viewer Set - Plants & Fungi - The plant kingdom

Excellent alternative for microscope slides. These sets are an excellent alternative for microscope slides.


Bladder Pathology

This model is designed to help patients understand the anatomy of diseased bladder. Mounted on base. Supplied with English Key Card. Size 33 x 26 x...

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Blood Cell Calculator, 9 Key

Blood Cell Calculator Clay Admas type. Blood Cell Calculator Clay Admas type. 9 Key


Blood Lancet

Disposable, Pack of 200.For taking finger tips blood sample “Gamma Sterile”. Disposable, Pack of 200.


Blood Pressure Apparatus - Dial

Dial type with Velcro type fastening Cuff Dial type with Velcro type fastening Cuff and high quality inflamation rubber bulb. Supplied in a c...

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Blood Pressure Apparatus - Digital

Dial type with Velcro type fastening Cuff and high quality inflamation rubber bulb. Supplied in a carrying case. Blood Pressure Apparatus - Digital


Blood Pressure Apparatus, Compact

Compact portable, specially designed to medical students and with Velcro type fastening Cuff. Compact portable, specially designed to medical stude...

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Bone - Cross Section & Longitudinal Section - Prepared Microscope Slide - 75x25mm

Single, prepared slide of cross section and longitudinal section of a bone Stained for better visualization of characteristic structures Great for...

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