Microscope Slide Set - General Set No. IV, Set of 50
SKU BI0280
Set of 50 Slides
Set of 50 SlidesBacteria-3 types-SMR, Hydra-WM Amoeba-WM, Obelia colony-WMParamecium-WM, Dugesia (Planaria)-WMEuglena–WM, Fluke (Clonorchis)-WMVolvox-WM, Hookworm, Spirogyra-WMEarthworm-CS, Bread mold Sexual-WMInsect Spiracle-WM, Penicillium-WMFly wing and leg-WM, Mushroom gill-CSHoneybee sting-WM, Moss antheridia-CSGrasshopper testis-CS, Moss archegonia-CSAscaris female gonads-CS, Fern prothallia-WMFrog egg-CS, Fern rhizome-CS, Frog egg blastula-CS Polypodium sori-CSMammal skin-CS, Onion root tip-LS, Frog blood-SMRDicot root-CS, Mammal intestine-CSMonocot/dicot stem-CS, Amphiuma liver-CSWoody stem-CS, Chick-33-hour-WMDicot leaf-CS, Chick-96-hour-CSColumnar epithelium, Onion epidermis-WMSquamous epithelium-SMR, Lily bud-CSCorn seed embryo-CS, Bone-CSMixed pollen-WM, Mammal ovary-CSSponge-CS grantia, Mammal Testis-CSSponge spicules-WM, Human sperm-SMR.
Set of 50 SlidesBacteria-3 types-SMR, Hydra-WM Amoeba-WM, Obelia colony-WMParamecium-WM, Dugesia (Planaria)-WMEuglena–WM, Fluke (Clonorchis)-WMVolvox-WM, Hookworm, Spirogyra-WMEarthworm-CS, Bread mold Sexual-WMInsect Spiracle-WM, Penicillium-WMFly wing and leg-WM, Mushroom gill-CSHoneybee sting-WM, Moss antheridia-CSGrasshopper testis-CS, Moss archegonia-CSAscaris female gonads-CS, Fern prothallia-WMFrog egg-CS, Fern rhizome-CS, Frog egg blastula-CS Polypodium sori-CSMammal skin-CS, Onion root tip-LS, Frog blood-SMRDicot root-CS, Mammal intestine-CSMonocot/dicot stem-CS, Amphiuma liver-CSWoody stem-CS, Chick-33-hour-WMDicot leaf-CS, Chick-96-hour-CSColumnar epithelium, Onion epidermis-WMSquamous epithelium-SMR, Lily bud-CSCorn seed embryo-CS, Bone-CSMixed pollen-WM, Mammal ovary-CSSponge-CS grantia, Mammal Testis-CSSponge spicules-WM, Human sperm-SMR.
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