Microscope Slide Set - Protozoa & Algae, Set of 20
SKU BI0286
Set of 20, Slides covering all the commonly studied protozoa and freshwater algae. Supplied in Box.
Set of 20, Slides covering all the commonly studied protozoa and freshwater algae. Supplied in Box.Amoeba, E Mixed foraminifera Mixed radiolaria Euglena, ETrypanosoma in blood smearPlasmodium sp. (Malaria) in human bloodParamecium, E Paramecium showing conjugation,Vorticella, E Chlamydomonas, EPandorina, E Volvox, with daughter colonies, ENostoc, filaments with heterocysts, ECladophora, E Chlorella, ESpirogyra, vegetative filaments, ESpirogyra, conjugation, E Desmids, mixed species, EDiatoms, mixed species, EParamecium fission
Set of 20, Slides covering all the commonly studied protozoa and freshwater algae. Supplied in Box.Amoeba, E Mixed foraminifera Mixed radiolaria Euglena, ETrypanosoma in blood smearPlasmodium sp. (Malaria) in human bloodParamecium, E Paramecium showing conjugation,Vorticella, E Chlamydomonas, EPandorina, E Volvox, with daughter colonies, ENostoc, filaments with heterocysts, ECladophora, E Chlorella, ESpirogyra, vegetative filaments, ESpirogyra, conjugation, E Desmids, mixed species, EDiatoms, mixed species, EParamecium fission
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