Microscope Slide Set - Human Histology, Set of 25
SKU BI0292
Set of 25. Supplied in Box.
Set of 25. Supplied in Box.Cerabellum, section lleum, sectionSpinal cord, TS, Duodenum, TSNerve, TS and LS, Appendix, TSArtery and vein, TS, Colon, VSCardiac muscle, section, Pancreas, sectionLymph node, section Liver, section, Spleen, sectionKidney, section Scalp, VS, Ovary, sectionSkin, heavily pigmented, section Uterus, sectionStriated muscle, section Cervix, sectionMammary gland, section Testis, sectionOesophagus, section Thyroid gland, sectionStomach, fundic portion, section
Set of 25. Supplied in Box.Cerabellum, section lleum, sectionSpinal cord, TS, Duodenum, TSNerve, TS and LS, Appendix, TSArtery and vein, TS, Colon, VSCardiac muscle, section, Pancreas, sectionLymph node, section Liver, section, Spleen, sectionKidney, section Scalp, VS, Ovary, sectionSkin, heavily pigmented, section Uterus, sectionStriated muscle, section Cervix, sectionMammary gland, section Testis, sectionOesophagus, section Thyroid gland, sectionStomach, fundic portion, section
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