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Human Torso Model without Head

SKU AM0006
  • Contains 7 removable parts: 2 lungs, heart, liver, stomach, intestines, and top of urinary bladder
  • The heart splits in half to reveal the inner anatomy of the organ
  • The intestines have a small cover at on section that can be removed to reveal the inner anatomy of the organ
  • The top of the urinary bladder can be removed to reveal the inner anatomy of the organ
  • The model includes a cut away view of the left thigh that portrays lymphatic and blood vasculature

The model of the human torso is a quality example of the organs in the midsection of the human body. The vasculature and organs are vibrantly painted with detail. Furthermore, the lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, and top of the urinary bladder can be removed - this allows one to observe detailed images of the organs and vasculature found deep in the torso and also allows one to gain a closer inspection of the organs themselves. The heart can be split into two halves in order to study the inner anatomy of the organ and both the intestines and the bladder have parts that can be removed to further study the internal anatomy of these organs. The left thigh has a portion cut away to reveal the lymphatic and blood vasculature found in this location as well. This sturdy model with vibrant colors and crisp details provides an excellent and effective way to study the anatomy of the midsection of a human body in a visually and kinesthetically effective way. L: 15"W: 10" H: 27"

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