Microscope Slide Set - Biology, Set of 25
SKU BI0284
This set covers the major requirements for a basic course in biology. Selected slides from the zoology, histology and botany sections make up this useful set. Supplied in Box.
Paramecium, E Paramecium, conjugation, E Hydra, TS Hydra, with testis, TS Hydra, with ovary, TS Taenia (tapeworm), scolex, LS Taenia, proglottid, E Compact bone, TS Striated muscle, LS Cardiac muscle, LS Spinal cord, TS Nerve cells, smear Skin, VS Kidney, VS Lycopodium strobilus, LS Spirogyra, conjugation, Yeast, E Lilium (lily), anther, TS Dryopteris, pinnule with sori, TS Stigma with pollen tube Lilium (lily), anther, TS Dryopteris, pinnule with sori, TS Stigma with pollen tube Cucurbita (marrow), stem, TS Lilium, ovary, TS
Tilia (lima), young and old stem, TS Lumbricus (earthworm), TS, typhlosole Helianthus, stem, secondary thickening, TS.
Paramecium, E Paramecium, conjugation, E Hydra, TS Hydra, with testis, TS Hydra, with ovary, TS Taenia (tapeworm), scolex, LS Taenia, proglottid, E Compact bone, TS Striated muscle, LS Cardiac muscle, LS Spinal cord, TS Nerve cells, smear Skin, VS Kidney, VS Lycopodium strobilus, LS Spirogyra, conjugation, Yeast, E Lilium (lily), anther, TS Dryopteris, pinnule with sori, TS Stigma with pollen tube Lilium (lily), anther, TS Dryopteris, pinnule with sori, TS Stigma with pollen tube Cucurbita (marrow), stem, TS Lilium, ovary, TS
Tilia (lima), young and old stem, TS Lumbricus (earthworm), TS, typhlosole Helianthus, stem, secondary thickening, TS.
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